Friday, September 30, 2011

Worcestershire Sauce - Store Brand or Name Brand?

Product #26: Worcestershire Sauce:

Today I am comparing Lea & Perrins Worcestershire Sauce to Target's Market Pantry Worcestershire Sauce. Both come in 10 fl oz bottles. There is quite a price difference but the taste of the store brand just doesn't even compare to the name brand. The Lea & Perrins brand has such a deeper flavor and tastes quite differenent from the Market Pantry sauce. The ingredients are also very different where as typically when comparing a store brand product to a name brand product they are similar. One noteable difference though is that the Market Pantry brand does not use HFCS. The Lea & Perrins brand uses HFCS and HMCS (high maltose corn syrup). However, due to the sharp contrast in taste, I will have to go with the name brand on this one.

The Cost Comparison (as of 9/8/11 at Target):

Lea & Perrin's (10 fl oz): 3.04
Market Pantry (10 fl oz): 1.37

Despite the savings of 1.67, I will stick with the name brand on this one.